Update Log


Version 3.0 - July 13, 2024

• New forwarding engine.
• Share browser session with Creator.
• Improved forwarding process.
• New option to rotate the proxies at the start.
• Improved search in live log.

Version 2.34 - April 18, 2024

• Improved forwarding process.
• Don't stop on restricted page.
• Speed up catch all column editing.

Version 2.33 - March 22, 2024

• Improved forwarding process.
• Improvement on the spam filter creation.
• Support for new google design and flows.
• Support for using recovery catch all from Creator.

Version 2.32 - December 28, 2023

• Improved forwarding process.
• Support doing 2FA after creating spam filter.
• Better detect confirmation succeeded.
• Improved extracting confirmation code.
• Reload inbox or imap when code is not arriving.
• New option to mark security warnings after forwarding.
• Doing Security Checkup is now optional.
• Added support for socks5 proxies.

Version 2.31 - October 22, 2023

• Improved forwarding process.
• Fixed browser not responding.
• New option to Forward to Recovery.
• Increased number of allowed simultaneous browsers.

Version 2.30 - October 17, 2023

• Improved forwarding process.
• Rotational proxy endpoint for Manual Accounts.
• New setting to not start multiple browsers on same proxy.

Version 2.29 - October 10, 2023

• Removed aging status.
• Improved login process.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.28 - October 5, 2023

• Fixed error when updating Disable After.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.27 - September 26, 2023

• Support for forwarding using confirmation link.
• Fixed start button disappearing.
• Popup closing issue fixed.
• Improved login process.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.26 - September 14, 2023

• Fixed several startup errors.
• Load clip/reverify status from creator.
• Different color for deleted proxies.
• Hide deleted proxies from batch dropdowns.
• Improved login process.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.25 - July 7, 2023

• New option to use IMAP to read confirmation emails.
• New export options on Primary Emails tab.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.24 - June 28, 2023

• Fixed issue creating spam filter.
• Support Captcha during login.
• New CSV export options on Forwarding tab.

Version 2.23 - June 11, 2023

• Many improvements in the forwarding process.
• License issue resolved.

Version 2.22.2 - December 15, 2022

• License issue resolved.

Version 2.22.1 - December 7, 2022

• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.22 - November 29, 2022

• Set safe senders list for Outlook primaries.
• Proxy rotation syncs with Gmail Creator.
• Sync Password and clip status from Gmail Creator.
• Increased forward limit to 100.
• Auto delete profile folder when complete.
• Added search option for live log.
• Improved Outlook primary login flow.
• Improved Yahoo login flow.

Version 2.21 - July 25, 2022

• Assign proxies on the primaries tab.
• Group names in manual accounts tab.
• Added cliptest to forwarding tab.
• Added cliptest to manual accounts tab.
• Fixed yahoo spam filter creation.
• Fixed outlook login issues.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.20 - June 15, 2022

• Assign identifiers on primary emails.
• One click forward to primary email identifier groups.
• Outlook login improved.
• Detect Outlook locked account.
• Expand/Collapse forwarding grid context menu.

Version 2.19 - June 6, 2022

• Captcha answers are submitted again.
• Fixed freezing of the bot when open inbox.
• Show number of proxies inside a batch.
• Added grouping by batch to PVA Creator | Proxies tab.

Version 2.18.2 - May 27, 2022

• Show if an account is forwarded to a clipped or reverify primary.
• Fixed issue with Recovery: empty error.
• Fixed gmail settings panel error.

Version 2.18.1 - May 26, 2022

• Captcha issue resolved.
• Resolved loading error during startup.

Version 2.18 - May 24, 2022

• Updated forwarding process with more spoofs.
• Option to reforward accounts.
• Improved login to outlook.
• Object disposed error fixed.
• Export selected accounts.
• Multiselect on catchall tab.
• Show clipped/reverify status in PVA Creator tab.
• Proxy changes in Creator are also applied in Forwarder.

Version 2.17 - April 1, 2022

• PVA Creator Accounts load again when an account has Reverify status.
• Improved speed on deleting primary emails when having a lot of proxies.
• Copy PVA Creator Accounts rows to clipboard now includes the Status column.
• The first column with row counter can now show over 10k.
• New option to change status from reverify to pending only on selected rows.
• On the bottom it will show the number of selected rows.
• When enabled zoom in Windows it wouldn't click on the right position.
• PVA Creator Accounts identifiers are now loaded from the PVA Creator bot.
• Detect and show login errors.
• Support more proxy import formats.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.16.1 - December 27, 2021

• Primary emails dropdown loads correctly again.

Version 2.16 - December 22, 2021

• Support for non-english confirmation emails.
• Prevent the bot from becoming unresponsive.
• Fixed possible enumeration error in reload.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.15 - November 2, 2021

• Settings to choose number of threads for forwarding to speed up the process.
• Reverify accounts can be added to additional tasks in creator directly through Forwarder.
• Clipped accounts can be directly deleted in Creator through Forwarder.
• Include firstname and lastname in the export.
• New option to organize Creator accounts by tagging groups.
• Allow multiselect on the Primary Emails.
• Option to open screenshot folder directly from main forwarding tab.
• Imported accounts in Creator now also can be added as primary.
• The primary email dropdown is now sorted alphabetically.
• The primary email dropdown shows the number of pending/completed accounts.
• Resending the email in case the code is not provided within time.
• Increased number of max emails to same primary.
• Catch All emails are more evenly distributed.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.14.1 - August 20, 2021

• Ability to load imported accounts from Creator.

Version 2.14 - June 24, 2021

• New option to only create the spam filter.
• Forwarding to Outlook is possible again.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.13 - June 8, 2021

• Sort accounts based on Status Column.
• Re-forward accounts which are already forwarded.
• Auto retry when spam filter fails.
• Won't mark as complete when spam filter fails.
• Auto disable option on Catch-all emails.

Version 2.12 - April 27, 2021

• New option to easily assign accounts to random primaries.
• Include recovery email in the CSV export.
• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.11 - March 5, 2021

• Improved forwarding process.

Version 2.10 - February 16, 2021

• Improved support for personalization dialog.
• Improved forwarding process.
• New Dark Gray theme.

Version 2.9 - January 28, 2021

• Better inbox detection.
• Improved login process.

Version 2.8 - January 23, 2021

• Bulk add accounts to primary emails.
• Batch Manual loaded proxies with custom names.
• New option to auto assign proxies on manual accounts.
• Notification when proxy is overused.
• Auto retry in case first attempt fails.
• Improved support for personalization dialog.
• Improved detecting if spam filter was added.

Version 2.7 - January 2, 2021

• Added the option to do custom spam filter.
• Improved handling of code confirmation.

Version 2.6 - December 28, 2020

• Spam filter improved.
• Enhanced anti tracking.

Version 2.5 - December 10, 2020

• Improved login and forwarding process.
• Fixed "Index was outside of the bounds" issue.

Version 2.4 - November 24, 2020

• Improved login and forwarding process.

Version 2.3 - November 8, 2020

• Enhanced anti-tracking.
• Increased maximum delay setting.
• Improved login and forwarding process.
• Improved proxy error reporting.

Version 2.2 - October 28, 2020

• Added support for Outlook as primary mail.
• Support encoded import of proxy username/pwd.
• Reduce the number of primaries that stay open.
• Improved login and forwarding process.

Version 2.1 - September 26, 2020

• Open browser option for primary emails.
• General timeout of 15 minutes on forwarding.
• Proper error report if proxy fails.
• Fixed Retry > Pending.
• Fixed deleting Failed accounts.
• Fixed UI issues related to proxy.
• Improved login and forwarding process.

Version 2.0 - September 13, 2020

• Added support for Yahoo as primary mail.
• New login flow added.
• Added import and multiselect of proxies.
• Added option to delete failed accounts with profiles.
• Added support to replace a already forwarded account with new address.
• Primary email multi-retry incase of failure.
• Forwarding email multi-retry incase of slow proxy.
• Show proper instructions for aging accounts.
• Removed profile linking between Creator and Forwarder.
• New status shown based on the flow of login.
• When deleting manual accounts, also deletes the proxy linked.

Version 1.7.0 - August 20, 2020

• Improved the account login process.
• Fixed file saving issues.

Version 1.6.0 - August 10, 2020

• Improved login process.
• Max accounts to forward to same email increased to 25.
• Different error for clipped accounts and login failures.

Version 1.5.0 - July 17, 2020

• Auto-solve algorithm implemented for captchas during login.

Version 1.4.0 - July 14, 2020

• Improved the forwarding process.
• Option to specify the time to wait for code.
• Validating if the catch-all format is correct.

Version 1.3.0 - June 22, 2020

• Catch-all support.
• Option to set no-spam filter for primary.
• Further optimized forwarding setup.
• Reminder when no proxy is used.

Version 1.2.0 - June 1, 2020

• New option to randomize order of processing.
• Fixed unsupported browser error.
• When moving complete to done it can also delete profile folder.
• Backup file issue resolved.

Version 1.1.0 - May 28, 2020

• Release to public.

Version 1.0 - May 19, 2020

• Initial beta release.