Update Log

Gmail PVA Creator

Version 3.38.1 - July 16, 2024

• Reverify could hang in some situations.
• Support for solving recaptcha after image captcha.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.38 - July 15, 2024

• Disabled Review will not do phone verification anymore.
• New Disabled Review Recover task to allow to recover/reverify.
• Show warning in case rotation api is setup incorrect.
• Improved several additional tasks.

Version 3.37 - July 8, 2024

• Improved review disabled task.
• Open inbox feature enhanced.
• Account storing bug fixed.
• Profile folder storage system improved.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.36 - June 27, 2024

• Account duplicating resolved.
• YouTube channel creation task improved.
• Birthday task improved.
• Improved 2FA task.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.35 - June 11, 2024

• Import imap host for recovery emails.
• Better support for backup codes.
• Proxy sorting in failed accounts tab.
• Improved the 2FA task.
• New settings to auto retry tasks.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.34 - May 30, 2024

• Execute additional tasks during creation process. (Like 2FA + App passwords).
• Improved creation process with high tolerance to proxies.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.33 - May 16, 2024

• Fixed issues on the 2FA task.
• Column resize issue fixed.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.32 - April 24, 2024

• New option to rotate the proxies at the start.
• Opened column tracks every open now.
• Read task new option to only do unread emails.
• Move multiple failed accounts to the pending tab.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.31.1 - April 11, 2024

• Fixed detecting the progress bar.
• Fixed detecting the failure text.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.31 - April 7, 2024

• Bugfixes in a lot of additional tasks.
• Speed up catch all column editing.

Version 3.30 - April 1, 2024

• Added support for new 2FA pages.
• Fixed the Import Filters task.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.29 - March 25, 2024

• Improved doing the Take Steps on the restricted page.
• New advanced setting to auto add 2FA.
• Improved retries on recovery verification task.
• Fixed doing the birthday interstitial page.

Version 3.28 - March 15, 2024

• Improvements on the 2FA task.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved login flows.

Version 3.27 - March 6, 2024

• Improvements on the 2FA task.
• Reduced reCaptcha pricing.
• Keep track of non PVA accounts.
• Store geo details during creation.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved login flows.

Version 3.26 - March 4, 2024

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved login flows.

Version 3.25 - February 23, 2024

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved login flows.

Version 3.24 - February 19, 2024

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• New option to clear the recovery email new columns.
• Multiselect rows on the Failed accounts tab.

Version 3.23 - February 10, 2024

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved login flows.

Version 3.22 - February 1, 2024

• Improved spam filter task.
• Copy Additional Task to clipboard will include the proxy.
• Improved login flows.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.21.2 - January 11, 2024

• Fixed requeuing of browsers with the same proxy.
• Resolved Automated clip testing not loading.

Version 3.21 - January 9, 2024

• Fixed Security Key handling for 2FA.
• Email notification after each clip test via Automation.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.20 - January 4, 2024

• Improved Reverification of reinstated accounts from disabled review.
• Automated clip testing with Email notifications.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.19.1 - December 28, 2023

• Importing completed accounts can update 2FA secret key.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.19 - December 24, 2023

• Proxy testing issue resolved on some providers.
• Schedule accounts to run Clip Tester in the background.
• 2FA task first disables Skip passwords.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.18 - December 11, 2023

• Select accounts/tasks from txt file.
• New option to delete tasks and their accounts.
• Reverify can be run together with other tasks.
• Collapse/Expand available on all grids.
• Improved search in live log.
• Store IP address during creation.
• New column to set a custom imap host.
• New option to remove proxy from completed accounts.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.17 - November 7, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Added support for login with backup codes.

Version 3.16 - November 3, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.15 - October 25, 2023

• Improved speed of the Setup/Installer.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Removed support for old Chrome versions.

Version 3.14 - October 20, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.13.1 - October 1, 2023

• Support new disabled review pages.
• Improved account creation process.
• Fixed update notification.

Version 3.13 - September 28, 2023

• Custom tasks now available per user (Contact us to build your personal task).
• Additional task settings fixed.
• Recovery email verification improved.
• Improved mark spam task.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.12 - September 20, 2023

• New additional tasks:
  - Enable 2FA Via Security Key (No number required)
  - Disable 2FA
  - Logout all other Sessions
  - Verify/Add Birthday
  - Never Send To Spam Filter
  - Import Custom Filters
  - Mark As Not Spam
  - Delete Spam
• Configure number of emails for Additional tasks.
• Disable Aging on additional tasks.
• Fixed Multiple tasks starting on same proxy.
• Properly close chromedriver when restart fails.
• Recovery Email columns are editable again.
• Option to delete proxy groups.
• Recovery Email import asks for group name.
• Increased speed for assigning contact emails.
• Improved account recovery flows.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.11 - September 8, 2023

• Improved Account Recovery flow.
• Fixed search error in Recoveries grid.
• Creating YouTube channel task improved.
• Proxy group names to default suggest the filename.
• Show deleted proxies and allow to remove them.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.10.2 - August 23, 2023

• Some situations tried to start Recovery Email browser.

Version 3.10.1 - August 20, 2023

• Support new Recover Account pages.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.10 - August 19, 2023

• Support for catch all on Recovery Emails.
• Improved finding browser location.
• Show deleted proxies with yellow color.
• Keep track of last succesful login.
• Copy to Recovery Emails from Tasks tab.
• Hide chrome privacy popup.
• New Task: Create YouTube Channel.
• Improved responsiveness of the UI.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.9 - August 8, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved browser detection system.
• Fixed language change task.

Version 3.8 - July 14, 2023

• New option to use IMAP for verifying recovery emails.
• Store cookies feature will add from all google domains.
• Clear browser cache option on profile folders to free space.
• Change password task to confirm signout all devices.
• Resolved error on the Change language task.
• Improved detection of confirmation code flow during login.

Version 3.7 - June 23, 2023

• Improved 2FA additional task.
• Copy GA Auth code on right mouse click.
• Show Expand/Collapse on right mouse click.
• Option for proxy rotation endpoint outside of the browser.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version - June 11, 2023

• License issue resolved.

Version 3.6.2 - June 9, 2023

• Improved speed of the Setup/Installer.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.6.1 - June 8, 2023

• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.6 - June 5, 2023

• Fixed language change task.
• Support for enabling 2FA when language is non-english.
• Remove Forward task also removes the email address.
• Support for doing confirmation code during login.
• Support for confirming recovery after password change during login.
• Check for password change page after recover account.
• Improved account recovery process.
• Importing recovery email can now also update existing columns.
• Support for reading confirmation emails that contain dots.
• Importing forwards.json also shows Primary emails.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.5 - May 7, 2023

• Support for new captcha after number verification.
• Generating reasons by AI now returns the correct number of reasons.
• Sometimes Imported and Creator accounts were mixed in Clip Testing.
• Support for importing App Passwords.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 3.4 - April 23, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Verify Recovery Email task doesn't require New Recovery Email column.

Version 3.3 - April 17, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• Improved verify/change Recovery Email task.
• Ability to import New Recovery Email column.
• Generate recovery emails is available again.
• Support submitting 2FA code during tasks.
• New feature to Select Accounts only from a group.
• Fixed issue where password was changed but not stored.
• New feature to use password from csv by finding account.

Version 3.2 - April 13, 2023

• Support new page during signup.
• Update recovery email task doesn't verify anymore.
• Verify recovery email task can go along with change task.

Version 3.1 - April 12, 2023

• Support for the new signup pages.
• A couple of UI improvements.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 3.0 - April 9, 2023

• Unified browser for creation and additional tasks.
• New additional tasks:
  - Enabled 2FA
  - Generate App Password
  - Verify Recovery Email
  - Change/Add Recovery Emails
  - Change Password
  - Remove Phone Number
  - Login/Logout changed into Login and read 3 emails
• Re-assign tasks seamlessly from the Additional Tasks tab.
• AI-powered generation of disabled review reasons.
• New Advanced Settings:
  - Ability to Verify It's you during login
  - Account recovery functionality during login
  - New feature to store cookies in JSON file
  - Disable automatic changing of the password
  - Ability to read passwords from a .txt file
• Green column for accounts with password changes.
• Select specific recovery email group when adding accounts.
• Test proxy rotation endpoint functionality.
• Choose "disable after" for selected proxies.
• Option to Export accounts to plain txt file.
• Import forwards.json to display account forwarded.
• Pinned rows are restored when restaring the bot.
• View task history in completed accounts column.
• Enhanced speed and responsiveness of UI.
• Numerous UI improvements.

Version 2.37.6 - March 16, 2023

• In some cases it didn't try a different phone number.
• Fixed issue of not changing the language.

Version 2.37.5 - March 14, 2023

• Improved account creation process.
• New feature to pause after a number of created accounts.

Version 2.37.4 - January 28, 2023

• Fixed proxy testing.

Version 2.37.3 - January 16, 2023

• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 2.37.2 - December 18, 2022

• Re-use review reasons improved.
• A couple of UI improvements.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.37.1 - December 15, 2022

• License issue resolved.

Version 2.37 - December 13, 2022

• Resolved freezing of the UI in some cases.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 2.36 - December 6, 2022

• Fixed select rows options.
• Move failed task to pending.
• Moved tasks directly from tasks to disabled review.
• Mark tasks to do reverify directly from additional tasks tab.
• New task to re-use review reasons.
• New setting to disable warning about no browser profile.
• Option to test proxies on completed accounts and tasks tab.
• Option to select accounts with failed proxies.
• Option to select accounts based on grid search.
• New formatter options for passwords/recovery emails.
• Update columns with reverify/clipped when detected during tasks.
• Shows warning when imported accounts with no proxy.
• Proxies that have status failed will become red.
• Detect birthday update page during login.
• Resolved a couple of UI errors.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 2.35 - November 5, 2022

• Updated Chrome internals
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.34 - October 26, 2022

• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 2.33 - October 22, 2022

• Fixed issue with disabled review task.
• New option to test proxy groups.
• Added groups on recovery emails tab.
• Fixed adding pending accounts to use selected proxy group.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.32 - August 28, 2022

• Fixed issue with disabled review task.
• Telegram failures notification used wrong time frame.
• Better handling of "Unexpected error occurred" during login.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.31.1 - July 24, 2022

• Fixed "Recovery: You're signed in" error.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.31 - July 17, 2022

• Additional Task: Remove security warnings.
• Additional Task: Disable forwarding.
• Additional Task: Login & Logout to register activity.
• Added support for 2FA login / Google Authenticator.
• Show current session stats at the bottom row.
• Improved change language flow for additional tasks.
• New button to auto select reverify & disabled accounts.
• Fixed "Phone verification code next button not visible" error.
• Auto-generate more complex passwords.
• Support for {special:} in custom password format.
• Auto change reverify and disabled to working if login works.
• Added groups on disabled review tab.
• Option to move completed task to pending in additional task.
• Import just emails for clip testing.
• Show warning when new proxies could not be assigned.
• Improved creation process.
• Improved disabled review process.

Version 2.30 - June 30, 2022

• Use additional tasks settings for disabled review.
• Move disabled review task to additional tasks.
• Detect review task submitted.
• Fixed issues with Chrome v103.
• More additional task settings added.

Version 2.29 - June 10, 2022

• Additional tasks and disabled reviews simultaneous start fixed.
• Removed Less Secure Apps.
• Speed improvement in several grids.
• Improved creation process.

Version 2.28 - June 6, 2022

• Data usage issue resolved.
• Captcha answers are submitted again.
• Show number of proxies inside a batch.
• Improved review disabled request.

Version 2.27.2 - May 27, 2022

• Improved review disabled pages handling.
• Increment the assigned counter on the proxy when importing accounts.
• Fixed UI issue with proxy batch in Actions menu.

Version 2.27.1 - May 26, 2022

• Captcha issue resolved.
• Check for password screen during LSA.
• Clear additional tasks will not delete reviews.

Version 2.27 - May 17, 2022

• Fixed bugs regarding Request Review on Disabled accounts.
• Search bar for livelog.
• Stop additional tasks when out of balance.
• Ask for identifier when importing accounts.

Version 2.26 - May 6, 2022

• New module for Request Review on Disabled accounts.
• Added feature to set Identifier on Tasks for grouping.
• Ability to import Google Workspace accounts.
• Improved additional tasks process.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.25 - April 13, 2022

• Add reverify to additional tasks in 1 click.
• Combined clip test for Disabled and Reverify.
• Option to Export only working accounts.
• Collapse groups in Completed Accounts and Proxies tab.
• Improved account creation process.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version 2.24.1 - April 1, 2022

• Disabled test doesn't overwrite Reverify results anymore.
• Selecting Reverify or Clipped rows shows the selection again.

Version 2.24 - March 31, 2022

• Clip test can now test Reverify accounts.
• Improved additional tasks process.

Version - March 23, 2022

• Fixed price selection in additional task settings.

Version 2.23 - March 22, 2022

• Improved Account reverify.
• Reverify now supports password change.
• New Settings tab for additional tasks.
• Rotating the proxy enabled for additional tasks.
• More info displayed for additional tasks.
• Group completed accounts by setting identifiers.
• Support more proxy import formats.
• Set minimum password length.
• Fixed bug to prevent error when making changes in bot.
• Default proxy batches now minimized.
• Locate chrome.exe when it auto changes.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.22 - February 22, 2022

• Integration of Cleanermails.com for clip test.
• Improved accounts reverify.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.12 - February 5, 2022

• Support new chrome version.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.11.1 - January 21, 2022

• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.11 - January 20, 2022

• Improved sms-gen error handling.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.10 - January 1, 2022

• Verify length on username and password.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.9 - December 22, 2021

• Fixed additional tasks not completing.
• Redirect loop after login will redirect back to the inbox.
• Don't generate passwords with '.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.8 - November 5, 2021

• Direct alerts to Telegram.
• 2nd fallback option when email already taken.
• New additional task to change the language of an account.
• Import clipped or reverify accounts from Forwarder.
• Improved login process on the additional tasks.
• Added option to only retry selected additional tasks.
• Sort additional tasks randomly or by proxy.
• Show proxy on the failed accounts tab.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.7 - October 12, 2021

• Multiple alternative options when Email already taken.
• Significantly improved account creation speed.
• Reduced sms-gen number errors.
• Option to open screenshot folder directly from failed accounts.
• Better distributing proxies when assigning to accounts.
• Show warning when pending accounts have no proxy or recovery.
• Improved additional task login flow.
• Fixed Recovery Email deletion issue.
• Show proper error when importing accounts without label.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.6.2 - September 11, 2021

• Fixed issue with Less Secure Apps checkbox.
• Improved retry handling on Additional Tasks.

Version 2.6.1 - September 1, 2021

• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.6 - August 16, 2021

• Import accounts to completed accounts tab.
• Support for rotate API on rotating proxies.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.5 - August 2, 2021

• Support for generating names in different cultures.
• Increase speed of importing accounts.
• Improved re-verification task.
• Improved recovery email importing.
• Allow multiselect on recovery emails tab.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.4.1 - June 21, 2021

• Additional tasks process improved.

Version 2.4 - June 19, 2021

• Improved account creation process.
• Additional tasks process improved.
• Improved unsupported browser issue.

Version 2.3 - May 26, 2021

• Additional Task: Reverify accounts with new phone number.
• Ability to assign new proxies via batches.
• Option to specify your own password format.
• Removed deleted proxies from dropdowns.
• Configure proxy disabling per batch.
• Import username in different custom formats.
• Resolved number retry error.
• Count proxy if assigned via completed accounts.
• Stopping the bot often didn't work.
• Fixed issues caused due to Windows Defender.
• Always include all data in CSV export.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 2.2.2 - April 1, 2021

• Deleting proxies will stay on the completed accounts again.

Version 2.2 - March 30, 2021

• New feature: Test your accounts for clips.
  - Test 5000+ accounts under 2 mins.
  - Highlight clipped accounts in red.
  - Delete clipped accounts in one go.
  - Export test results.
• IPv6 proxy testing issue fixed.
• New option to only show important columns.
• Resolved browser load issues on certain machines.
• Fixed message dialogs showing behind the bot.
• Deleting proxies will now also delete in combobox.

Version 2.1 - February 7, 2021

• New option to improve proxy sorting for rotating proxies.
• New option to avoid reusing a proxy at the same time.

Version 2.0 - February 1, 2021

• Additional tasks:
• Enable POP.
• Enable IMAP.
• Enable Less Secure Apps.
• Batch proxies with custom names.
• Assign proxies from a batch.
• New Dark Gray theme.
• Multiselect actions on pending accounts.
• Added option to delete disabled recovery emails.
• Show full proxy when hovered.
• Removed headless mode.
• Improved existing themes.

Version 1.33.0 - January 23, 2021

• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.32.0 - January 5, 2021

• Enhanced proxy handling.
• Better handling of browser aborts.
• Improved account creation process.
• Several UI Improvements.

Version 1.31.0 - December 29, 2020

• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.30.0 - December 16, 2020

• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.29.0 - December 6, 2020

• Issue fixed with testing ipv6 proxies.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.28.1 - November 19, 2020

• Fixed issue when running with Chrome v87.

Version 1.28.0 - November 10, 2020

• Speed improvement of assigning proxies.
• Stop button will finish the accounts that received code.
• Wrong recovery email will be blocked upfront.
• Delete completed accounts will also delete the profile folder.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.27.4 - November 1, 2020

• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.27.3 - October 30, 2020

• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.27.2 - October 21, 2020

• Fixed error "Queue empty".

Version 1.27.1 - October 18, 2020

• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.27.0 - October 17, 2020

• Speed improvement of adding pending accounts.
• Option to test selected proxies.
• UI improvements while testing proxies.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.26.2 - October 14, 2020

• Fixed issue that would use wrong version of chromedriver.

Version 1.26.1 - October 5, 2020

• Fixed issue that would prevent Chrome from being closed.

Version 1.26.0 - October 4, 2020

• Fixed UI freezing issues.
• Fixed importing proxy with @ in username/password.
• Fixed license issue with date.
• Improved account creation process.

Version 1.25.0 - September 22, 2020

• Improved detecting new pages during creation process.
• Improved the proxy error handling.

Version 1.24.0 - September 20, 2020

• New option to stop creating the account when email is already taken.
• New option not to use numbers in email.
• Provide better error log report based on error.
• Improved the account creation process.

Version 1.23.2 - August 21, 2020

• Improved the account creation process.

Version 1.23.1 - August 20, 2020

• Improved the account creation process.

Version 1.23.0 - August 18, 2020

• Improved the account creation process.
• New option to exclude countries from random countries option.
• Fixed file saving issues.

Version 1.22.0 - August 6, 2020

• Improved the account creation process.
• The bot automatically stops when all proxies are used and disabled.
• Added option to delete disabled proxies.
• Allow deleting multiple proxies at the same time.

Version 1.21.0 - July 18, 2020

• Validating if the recovery email format is correct.
• Improved license validation.
• Improved the account creation process.

Version 1.20.0 - July 9, 2020

• Fixed account creation error.
• Fixed start button disappearing.

Version 1.19.0 - July 2, 2020

• Added option to use firstname/lastname as email username.
• Fixed chrome window position when opening inbox.
• Improved anti detection.

Version 1.18.0 - May 29, 2020

• Auto-disable recovery email after certain attempts.
• When out of balance, active browsers will not be killed.
• Fixed countries that were not visible for completed accounts.
• Backup file issue resolved.
• Error in bot start up fixed.

Version 1.17.0 - May 19, 2020

• Improved page detection.
• CSV import including email address won't be cut off anymore.
• Creator engine updated and improved.

Version 1.16.0 - May 6, 2020

• Improved success rate on account creation.
• General bugfixes and improvements.

Version 1.15.0 - May 1, 2020

• Remove number after phone verification.
• Updated major internal codes.
• Number verification counter fixed.
• Phone number attempt counter fixed.

Version 1.14.0 - April 7, 2020

• Improved account creation success rate.
• Fixed Socks5 proxy testing.
• Fixed issue where license was marked invalid.

Version 1.13.0 - March 30, 2020

• Export completed accounts in AYCD format.
• Major account creation improvements.
• Import accounts using a flexible csv format.
• New option to add a note/comment on the completed accounts.

Version 1.12.0 - March 20, 2020

• Multiple retries on the sms code submit in case an error is shown.
• Don't fail too quickly if the sms code submission takes a while.
• Automatically pause the bot in case sms-gen is (temp) disabled.
• Include exception message in number cancel reason.
• Removed all sms providers except sms-gen.

Version 1.11.0 - March 5, 2020

• Improved detecting completed accounts.
• Auto stop the bot when out of balance of sms-gen.
• Add support for US numbers.
• Deleting completed accounts works again.
• Added a button to clear the live log.
• Delays above 1000 seconds are possible when thousands separator is a comma.

Version 1.10.2 - February 19, 2020

• Improved anti bot detection

Version 1.10.1 - February 18, 2020

• Added new sms provider that is tailor made for the bot.
• Random country option, to select best country available during creation.
• Greatly improved anti-fingerprinting/detection.
• Setting wait times above 1000s is now supported.
• New option to select the proxy format when exporting accounts.
• New option to assign a new proxy to completed accounts.
• Completed accounts now have multiselect support.
• Added option to export the proxies again.
• Show days remaining on the license in the title.

Version 1.9.0 - January 8, 2020

• When creating account it will switch the proxy if that proxy was disabled.
• Selecting a country is required again.
• Column with number of accounts can show larger numbers.
• Sometimes it detected a different chrome version.
• Some small styling improvements.

Version 1.8.0 - January 3, 2020

• Added option to disable proxy after a number of accounts has been created.
• Prevent getting corrupted files when disk is full or during a crash.
• You can configure a display name for a proxy.
• Added the option to test an ipv6 proxy.
• Keeping track of stats per session and per day.

Version 1.7.0 - November 11, 2019

• Accounts will be created in the same order as shown in the grid.
• Added randomize button to mix the order of the account creation.
• Added a dark theme.
• Improved inbox detection for marking accounts complete.
• Added option to delay the bot after every account created.
• Used phone number is now visible and included in exports.
• In some situations the bot unintentionally showed an error.
• Sometimes the bot failed to close.
• Show number of accounts created.
• Show thread number in the logs.
• Allow deleting of failed and completed accounts.
• Fixed an error that sometimes popped up during account creating.

Version - November 4, 2019

• In some situations the proxies didn't properly load.

Version 1.6.0 - November 3, 2019

• Ability to set recovery email for accounts.
• Generate recovery emails by template or import from file.
• Added support for importing proxies that are using ip:port:user:pass format.

Version 1.5.1 - October 18, 2019

• Fixed timeout error about loading extensions in the background.
• Phone numbers from the United Kingdom always gave an error.
• Deleting the profile folder on failed accounts wasn't always working.

Version 1.5.0 - October 16, 2019

• Added option to store Chrome browser profile folder.
• Open Gmail inbox in Chrome for completed accounts.
• CSV export now includes status, gender and proxy.
• Deleting a proxy will not remove the details from the completed accounts anymore.
• Added option to delete failed proxies.
• Duplicate check on importing proxies also uses username/password to differentiate.
• The bot now requires .NET Framework v4.7 or higher.
• The virtual countries on a specific sms provider work again.
• You can change the proxy on the completed account.

Version 1.4.3 - September 26, 2019

• Properly close Chrome when a failure occurs.
• Account creation is more resilient on slow connections.
• Always changing to language to English.
• Fingerprinting now loads correctly on recent Chrome versions.

Version 1.4.2 - September 25, 2019

• Improved bad proxy detection.

Version 1.4.1 - September 21, 2019

• Proxies now uses scoring to better cycle thru them.
• Detect proxy failures.
• More human like behaviour.
• Sometimes an account was successfully created wasn't marked as complete.

Version 1.4.0 - September 20, 2019

• Improved fingerprinting protection.
• Added proxy import feature.
• Added support for socks4 proxies.
• Ability to cancel the proxies testing.
• Added button to test only one proxy.

Version 1.3.1 - September 13, 2019

• Sms provider to show country names and pricing.
• Configure the number of minutes to wait for an sms to arrive.
• Export completed accounts to csv
• If loading the json file fails (accounts, proxies) it will backup the failed file.

Version 1.3.0 - September10, 2019

• Added new sms provider.
• Added fingerprinting protection.
• Fake useragent to have same signup page in headless.
• Fixed an error when starting many browsers at the same time.

Version 1.2.2 - September 3, 2019

• Show live log.
• Fix small columns after loading the bot.
• Show sms provider and country in logs.

Version 1.2.1 - August 28, 2019

• Store the failed accounts in their own list.
• Added option to move failed accounts back to pending.

Version 1.2.0 - August 23, 2019

• Added new sms provider.
• Fixed issue with not loading dll on specific .NET Framework version.
• Fix for mixing baseurls.

Version 1.1.0 - August 18, 2019

• No more duplicates accounts queued at the same time.
• Fix to prevent stale element exception.
• Limit the number of requests to sms provider api.
• Show full response in case of unknown response for get phone/sms.

Version 1.0 - August 16, 2019

• Initial release to public.